Guido da Costigliole at Relais San Maurizio

Località San Maurizio 39

12058 - Santo Stefano Belbo

Cuneo (CN) - Italia

T +39 340 4728569

T +39 0141 844455


The Food:

Piccola Panna Cotta, Tonno con Marmellate di Albicocche (Small Panna Cotta, Tuna with Apricot Marmalade), Crackers on Mousse di Fegatini (Crackers with Liver Mousse); Mousse di Gorgonzola e Pere con Mandorla Dolce (Gorgonzola Mousse, Pear and Sweet Almond)

Insalata Verde; Finocchi, Carote, Pomodoro, Mozzarella, Uovo, Olive (Green Salad; Fennel, Carrots, Tomato, Mozzarella, Eggs, Olives)

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Readers visiting Piedmont should carve out the time to go to Guido at the Relais San Maurizio. The hotel is wonderful too, should you not want to leave. Andrea Alciati, Monica Magnani and the team at Guido are at the top of their game.