The Dalmatian Vintage: Bordeaux 2023
Left Bank: Saint-Estèphe | Pauillac | Saint-Julien | Margaux | Moulis and Listrac | Pessac-Léognan and Graves | Left Bank Satellites | Sauternes
Right Bank: Pomerol | Saint-Émilion | Right Bank Satellites
The invitation had arrived in a wax-sealed envelope the previous week. The château manager is reluctant to attend, but how can you refuse a banquet at the Palais de Versailles with Ferran Adrià reviving El Bulli for one night only? The invite came from a neighboring château without mentioning the reason for the extravaganza. Surely an event of immense magnitude. Annoyingly, it had specified fancy dress. Theme? Court of King Louis XIV. That is why he is sweating in the back seat of a Merc dressed in a monstrous curly black wig, powdered face with a pencil mustache, silk brevet, flouncy lace cravat last seen on Prince’s Purple Rain tour and itchy white stockings stolen from his wife’s top drawer. Next to him, Sandrine, from accounts, is dressed as Marie-Antoinette, suffocating in a boned bodice and wearing the expression of someone about to be guillotined. Naturally, their attire attracts the attention of protesting farmers manning roadblocks down the motorway who either holler expletives or laugh.
When they arrive, the party is in full swing. Mark Ronson is under the chandeliers spinning tunes. Waiters weave their way through the throng with platters of Beluga caviar while sommeliers saber magnums of vintage champagne. He spots a fellow château manager and asks: “Any idea why we’re here and why I’m dressed like a poodle about to be spaded?”
“Not a clue,” he replies, his mascara beginning to run. “Now we are going to have to organize something even more decadent.”
“I should be in the office preparing for primeur. Négociants and merchants ring me every minute pleading for reasonable release prices.”
“Ridiculous!” he scoffs. “Apart from multiple arenas of conflict, political instability, a raft of imminent national elections, dire economic data, stubbornly high inflation, the aftermath of Brexit, restaurants struggling for survival, a moribund fine wine market, widespread lack of disposable income, an influential anti-alcohol lobby, a younger generation’s apathy, warehouses full of unsold pallets, withering demand in the Far East, global warming, extreme weather events, labor shortages, back vintages being off-loaded cheaper than primeur, burgeoning great wines from other regions and an unshakable sense of Bordeaux being outmoded, what is there for Bordeaux to worry about?”
Their conversation is interrupted by fanfare, and a rather portly gentleman looking bizarrely like Adam Ant taps the microphone to get attention. Finally, guests will discover why they’re here. Speculation is rife: a century-spanning vertical, sold to place on a luxury conglomerate’s mantelpiece, or, God forbid, a perfect score from Neal Martin.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he announces. “For several years, we have undertaken a secret project to design… [cue unnecessary pause to build non-existent tension] …our brand-new capsule!”
The deflation around the ballroom is palpable. For several proprietors, it reminds them of the reaction when they released their 2022 last year.
“After submissions from the world’s greatest designers, we unveil what has been baptized as ‘Capsule Magnifico’!”
Show all the wines (sorted by score)
Producers in this Article
- A.D. Francos
- Alcée
- Angélus
- Angludet
- Anthonic
- Ausone
- Badette
- Barbe Blanche
- Barde-Haut
- Barreyres
- Bastor-Lamontagne
- Batailley
- Beaumont
- Beauséjour
- Beau-Séjour Bécot
- Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarrosse
- Beau-Site
- Beauvillage
- Bel Air Eiffel
- Bel Air Gloria
- Bélair-Monange
- Belgrave
- Bellefont-Belcier
- Bellegrave du Poujeau
- Bellegrave (Pauillac)
- Bellegrave (Pomerol)
- Bellerive
- Bellevue de Tayac
- Bellevue Lançon
- Berliquet
- Bernadotte
- Bernateau
- Bernon Bécot
- Bertineau Saint-Vincent
- Bertrand Braneyre
- Beychevelle
- Beynat
- Blaignan
- Bonalgue
- Bourgneuf
- Bouscat
- Branaire-Ducru
- Branas Grand Poujeaux
- Brande-Bergère
- Brane-Cantenac
- Brondelle
- Broustet
- Brown
- Cadet-Bon
- Caillou
- Calon Ségur
- Cambon la Pelouse
- Canon
- Canon Chaigneau
- Canon La Gaffelière
- Canon Pécresse
- Cantegril
- Cantelauze
- Cantelys
- Cantemerle
- Cantenac
- Cantenac Brown
- Cantin
- Capbern
- Cap de Faugères
- Cap du Moulin
- Cap Léon Veyrin
- Cap Saint-Georges
- Carbonnieux
- Carcanieux
- Carlmagnus
- Caroline
- Carteau Côtes Daugay
- Castera
- Certan de May
- Chante Alouette
- Charmail
- Chasse-Spleen
- Chauvin
- Chemin Royal
- Cheval Blanc
- Cissac
- Citran
- Clarence Dillon Wines
- Clarisse
- Clarke
- Clauzet
- Clerc Milon
- Climens
- Clinet
- Clos 56
- Clos Beauregard
- Clos Cabana
- Clos Cantenac
- Clos de la Vieille Église
- Clos de l'Espérance
- Clos de l'Oratoire
- Clos de Sarpe
- Clos des Jacobins
- Clos des Lunes
- Clos des Prince
- Clos de Viaud
- Clos Dubreuil
- Clos du Clocher
- Clos du Marquis
- Clos du Roy
- Clos Floridène
- Clos Fourtet
- Clos Haut-Peyraguey
- Closiot
- Clos l’Eglise
- Clos les Grandes Versannes
- Clos Manou
- Clos Marsalette
- Clos René
- Clos Roskam
- Clos Saint-Martin
- Clos Vieux Taillefer
- Corbin Michotte
- Corconnac
- Cos d'Estournel
- Cos Labory
- Côte de Baleau
- Coudert
- Coufran
- Couhins-Lurton
- Courlat
- Coutet
- Couvent des Jacobins
- Crabitey
- Croix Cardinale
- Croix de Labrie
- Croix de Rambeau
- Croix des Rouzes
- Croix de Trale
- Croix-Mouton
- d'Aiguilhe
- Dalem
- Dallau
- d'Anglade
- d'Arce
- d'Arche
- d'Arcins
- d'Armailhac
- d'Arsac
- Dassault
- Daugay
- de Brondeau
- de Camensac
- de Cartujac
- de Cassana
- de Chambrun
- de Chantegrive
- de Côme
- de Cruzeau
- de Fargues
- de Ferrand
- de Fonbel
- de La Croix
- de La Dauphine
- de Marsan
- de Myrat
- de Pez
- de Portets
- de Pressac
- Desmirail
- Destieux
- de Veyres
- Deyrem Valentin
- d’Issan
- Doisy-Daëne
- Doisy-Dubroca
- Doisy-Védrines
- Domaine André Leclerc
- Domaine d'Alliance
- Domaine de Chevalier
- Domaine de Gachet
- Domaine de la Solitude
- Domaine de l'Eglise
- Domaine des Cambes
- Domaine des Gourdins
- Domaine Les Sadons
- Domeyne
- Doyac
- Dubois-Grimon
- du Cartillon
- du Cros
- Ducru-Beaucaillou
- du Glana
- Duhart-Milon
- du Moulin Rouge
- du Petit Puch
- du Retout
- du Tertre
- Dutruch Grand Poujeaux
- Enclos Tourmaline
- Escot
- Fage
- Faizeau
- Faugères
- Fayat
- Ferran
- Ferrière
- Feytit-Clinet
- Figeac
- Filhot
- Finegrave
- Flaunys
- Fleur Cardinale
- Fleuron de Liot
- Fombrauge
- Fonbadet
- Fonréaud
- Fonroque
- Fontenil
- Fourcas Dupré
- Fourcas Hosten
- Franc Bigaroux
- Franc La Rose
- Franc Mayne
- Franc Pipeau
- Gallen
- Garance Haut Grenat
- Gazin
- German Marbuzet
- Giscours
- Gloria
- Goudichaud
- Gracia
- Grand Barrail Lamarzelle Figeac
- Grand Corbin
- Grand Corbin Despagne
- Grand Corbin Manuel
- Grand Mayne
- Grand Ormeau
- Grand-Puy Ducasse
- Grand-Puy-Lacoste
- Grand Village
- Graves de Pez
- Greysac
- Gruaud Larose
- Guiraud
- Haura
- Haut-Bages Libéral
- Haut-Bages Monpelou
- Haut-Bailly
- Haut-Bana
- Haut Barrail
- Haut-Batailley
- Haut-Bergeron
- Haut-Bergey
- Haut-Breton Larigaudière
- Haut-Brion
- Haut Brisson
- Haut-Cadet
- Haut-Chaigneau
- Haut-Condissas
- Haut-Coustet
- Haut-Madrac
- Haut-Maillet
- Haut-Marbuzet
- Haut Maurac
- Haut-Meyreau
- Haut-Simard
- Hosanna
- Kirwan
- La Bastienne
- Labégorce
- La Branne
- La Bridane
- La Cabanne
- La Chenade
- La Clémence
- La Clotte
- La Clotte Cazalis
- La Commanderie
- La Conseillante
- La Cour d'Argent
- La Couronne
- La Création
- La Croix de Pez
- La Croix des Moines
- La Croix du Casse
- La Dominique
- Lafaurie-Peyraguey
- Lafite Monteil
- Lafite-Rothschild
- Lafleur
- La Fleur
- La Fleur d'Arthus
- Lafleur-Gazin
- La Fleur la Mothe
- La Fleur Perey
- La Fleur-Pétrus
- La Fon de Berger
- La Fon du Berger
- Lafon La Tuilerie
- Lafon-Rochet
- La Fortune
- La Gaffelière
- La Garde
- La Garricq
- La Gorce
- Lagrange (Pomerol)
- La Grangère
- Lagrange (Saint-Julien)
- La Grave
- La Gurgue
- Lalaudey
- La Louvière
- La Marzelle
- L'Ambroisie
- La Mission Haut-Brion
- La Mondotte
- Lamothe-Cissac
- Lamothe-Guignard
- Lamothe Vincent
- Lanessan
- Langoa-Barton
- Laniote Saint-Émilion
- La Papeterie
- La Patache
- La Pointe
- Larcis Ducasse
- La Révérence
- Laroque
- La Roque de By
- La Rose Perrière
- La Rose Pourret
- Laroze
- Larrivaux
- Larruau
- Lascombes
- La Sergue
- La Serre
- Lassègue
- La Tonnelle
- Latour
- Latour à Pomerol
- La Tour Blanche
- La Tour Carnet
- La Tour de Bessan
- La Tour de By
- La Tour Figeac
- Latour-Martillac
- Laujac
- L'Aurage
- La Vaisinerie
- La Valière
- La Vieille Cure
- La Violette
- La Voûte
- Le Bon Pasteur
- Le Boscq
- L'Ecrin de Couleys
- Le Crock
- Lécuyer
- Le Dôme
- Le Doyenne
- Le Gay
- L'Eglise-Clinet
- Le Monteil d'Arsac
- Le Moulin
- Léoville Barton
- Léoville Las Cases
- Léoville-Poyferré
- Le Pin
- Le Prieuré
- Les Carmes Haut-Brion
- Les Champs Libres
- Les Cruzelles
- Les Grands Chênes
- Les Gravières
- Les Hauts-Conseillants
- Les Lattes
- Les Ormes Sorbet
- Lespault-Martillac
- Les Perrières
- Lestage
- Lestage-Darquier Grand Poujeaux
- Les Trois Canons
- Les Trois Croix
- L'Évangile
- L'If
- Lilian Ladouys
- L'Indécise
- L'Instant H
- Liot
- Livran
- Lousteauneuf
- Lusseau
- Lynch-Bages
- Lynch-Moussas
- Lynsolence
- Maillet
- Maine-Chaigneau
- Malartic Lagravière
- Malescasse
- Malescot St. Exupéry
- Malmaison
- Margaux
- Marjosse
- Marquis d'Alesme Becker
- Marquis de Terme
- Martin
- Martinho
- Maucaillou
- Maurac
- Mauvesin Barton
- Mazeyres
- Méaume
- Méjean
- Meyney
- Meyre
- Milon
- Moncets
- Monregard La Croix
- Montaiguillon
- Montlabert
- Montlandrie
- Montlisse
- Mont-Pérat
- Montrose
- Montviel
- Moulin de Blanchon
- Moulin de Canhaut
- Moulin de la Rose
- Moulin du Cadet
- Moulin-Galhaud
- Moulin Haut-Laroque
- Moulin Riche
- Moulin Saint-Georges
- Mouton-Rothschild
- Moutte Blanc
- Nairac
- Nenin
- Noaillac
- Olivier
- Ormes de Pez
- Pabus
- Palmer
- Paloumey
- Pape Clément
- Partarrieu
- Pas de l'Ane
- Patris Querre
- Pauillac par Pascale Peyronie
- Pavie
- Pavie Macquin
- Péby Faugères
- Pédesclaux
- Pellot
- Perrin d'Hoge
- Petit Bocq
- Petit Faurie de Soutard
- Petit-Village
- Petrus
- Peymouton
- Peyrabon
- Phélan Ségur
- Pibran
- Pichon Baron
- Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande
- Pierhem
- Plagnac
- Plince
- Plincette
- Poesia
- Poitevin
- Pomeys
- Pontet-Canet
- Pontey
- Pontoise Cabarrus
- Porte Chic
- Potensac
- Poujeaux
- Prieuré-Lichine
- Puy Castéra
- Quinault l'Enclos
- Rabaud-Promis
- Ramafort
- Ramage La Batisse
- Rauzan-Ségla
- Raymond-Lafon
- Rayne-Vigneau
- Réaut
- Reignac
- Reynon
- Richelieu
- Rieussec
- Ripeau
- Roc de Bécot
- Roc de Cambes
- Rollan de By
- Rol Valentin
- Romer du Hayot
- Roudier
- Roylland
- Saintayme
- Saint Christoly
- Saint-Hilaire
- Saint-Marie
- Saint-Pierre (Saint-Julien)
- Sansonnet
- Saransot-Dupré
- Ségur de Cabanac
- Sénéjac
- Sénilhac
- Séraphine
- Siaurac
- Sigalas Rabaud
- Simard
- Siran
- Smith Haut Lafitte
- Sociando-Mallet
- Soudars
- Soutard-Cadet
- Suduiraut
- Taffard de Blaignan
- Taillefer
- Talbot
- Tauzinat l'Hermitage
- Tayac
- Tertre Rôteboeuf
- Tessendey
- Teynac
- Thieuley
- Tour du Goua
- Tour Maillet
- Tournefeuille
- Tour Perey
- Tour Saint Christophe
- Tour Saint-Fort
- Tour Seran
- Trocard
- Tronquoy-Lalande
- Troplong Mondot
- Trotanoy
- Trotte Vieille
- Tuyttens
- Valandraud
- Verdignan
- Veyry
- Vieux Château Certan
- Vieux Château Landon
- Vieux Doumayne
- Villa Carmin
- Villemaurine
- Vray Croix de Gay
- Yon-Figeac