2019 Bordeaux: A Long, Strange Trip
Left Bank: Saint-Estèphe | Pauillac | Saint-Julien | Margaux | Médoc | Pessac-Léognan | Graves | Bordeaux Supérieur | Satellites
Right Bank: Pomerol | Saint-Émilion | Sauternes | Satellites
“You must really like your wine,” the FedEx delivery person said as he dropped off yet another stack of boxes shipped from Bordeaux. The global lockdown that began in March ended any hopes of en primeur tastings in the spring. After weeks of indecision, the Bordelais finally moved ahead with a summer en primeur campaign, setting in motion a flurry of shipments across the ocean and a series of equally fast releases. Do the 2019s live up to the early hype?
Tasting a range of 2019 barrel samples at home provided an opportunity to revisit wines over time, something that is not possible in Bordeaux.
Is 2019 Truly A Great Vintage?
It’s the million-dollar question, I know. There is no doubt 2019 is an outstanding vintage, clearly an important vintage. What stands out most about the finest 2019s is their exceptional balance. Ripeness is high, but not exaggeratedly so. Tannins are also elevated, but there is virtually no sensation of tannin in so many wines, an example of where analysis based on perception can vary significantly from what is written on a lab report. The 2019s are also, in many cases, remarkably fresh, which is hard to believe given the intense heat and drought of the summer. I tasted phenomenal wines in every appellation, although there are some places that appear to have done exceptionally well, such as the north of Pauillac and into Saint-Estèphe on the Left Bank.
In tasting, the 2019s combine the textural creaminess of the 2009s with the vibrancy of the 2010s and the slightly linear construction of the 2014s. With a few exceptions, these are not huge, bombastic wines. Although the 2019s share some attributes with 2009 and 2010, they are much more finessed wines built on persistence and length more than opulence. This is partly the vintage speaking, but also a question of style. Just ten years ago, we were still living in the era of hyper-extracted wines. Today’s mindset is totally different. That is obvious now and it will become even clearer as time passes.
In my view, a truly great vintage has to have something more than just high quality and consistency across the board. And that is the visceral thrill factor. Of course, that is hard to quantify, but it exists. One of the questions I get often from readers is: What is the difference between a 98, 99 or 100-point wine? Well, for starters, I think there are differences between those ratings. All wines are not 99-100. The value of a scoring system should be precisely to define those gradations.
Of course, one of the challenges in evaluating 2019 as a vintage is that a number of top châteaux did not submit samples. Perhaps those wines will cause me to change my opinion. They will certainly make an accurate comparison with other recent vintages both possible and meaningful. But for me, today, 2019 is a superb vintage that falls just short of being truly epic. I think of some of the truly monumental young Bordeaux I have tasted in recent years, wines like the 2015 Canon, 2016 Pichon-Comtesse, 2016 Vieux Château Certan and others. And I ask: Are there any wines in 2019 that made me feel the same way? The answer at this moment is No. I have to qualify that because there is no real way to know if and how transportation altered wines, even just a bit. That is simply the way it is at this stage.
Tasting 2019 Bordeaux Barrel Samples During a Global Pandemic
“You must really like your wine,” the FedEx delivery person said as he dropped off yet another stack of boxes shipped from Bordeaux. The global lockdown that began in March ended any hopes of en primeur tastings in the spring. After weeks of indecision, the Bordelais finally moved ahead with a summer en primeur campaign, setting in motion a flurry of shipments across the ocean and a series of equally fast releases. Do the 2019s live up to the early hype?
Show all the wines (sorted by score)
Producers in this Article
- Adaugusta
- A.D. Francos
- Alcée
- Ampélia
- Angélus
- Angludet
- Arnauld
- Auguste
- Badette
- Balestard La Tonnelle
- Barbe Blanche
- Barde-Haut
- Barrabaque
- Bastor-Lamontagne
- Batailley
- Beauregard
- Beauséjour Héritiers Duffau-Lagarrosse
- Béchereau
- Bélair-Monange
- Bel-Air (Pomerol)
- Belgrave
- Belle Coline
- Bellefont-Belcier
- Bellegrave (Pauillac)
- Belle-Vue
- Bellevue Mondotte
- Bellevue (Saint-Émilion)
- Bernard Magrez
- Bernon Bécot
- Bertineau Saint-Vincent
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- Branas Grand Poujeaux
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- Cadet-Bon
- Calicem
- Calon Ségur
- Canon-Chaigneau
- Canon La Gaffelière
- Canon Saint-Michel
- Cantegril
- Cantelys
- Cantemerle
- Cantenac Brown
- Cantin
- Capbern
- Cap de Faugères
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- Clos Saint-Julien
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- Curton La Perrière
- d'Agassac
- d'Aiguilhe
- d'Aiguilhe Querre
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- d'Arce
- d'Armailhac
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- Dauzac
- de By
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- de Chambrun
- de Courteillac
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- de Fieuzal
- de France
- de Francs
- de Gironville
- de La Cour d'Argent
- de La Grave
- de la Huste
- de Lamarque
- de La Rivière
- de Lussac
- de Malle
- de Malleret
- de Millery
- de Montaigne
- de Pez
- de Pressac
- de Rochemorin
- de Rouillac
- de Saint-Pey
- des Laurets
- des Milles Anges
- Desmirail
- Destieux
- de Tabuteau
- de Valois
- de Viaud
- Deyrem Valentin
- d'Hanteillan
- d'Issan
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- Domaine Simon Blanchard
- du Bois Chantant
- Dubois-Grimon
- du Cartillon
- Ducru-Beaucaillou
- du Glana
- Duhart-Milon
- du Mont
- du Paradis
- du Parc
- Durand-Laplagne
- Durfort-Vivens
- du Tertre
- Dutruch Grand Poujeaux
- Edmus
- Enclos de Viaud
- Enclos Tourmaline
- Escot
- Faizeau
- Faugères
- Faurie de Souchard
- Fayat
- Ferrière
- Feytit-Clinet
- Figeac
- Fleur Cardinale
- Fleur Haut Gaussens
- Fombrauge
- Fonbadet
- Fonplégade
- Fontaine de Genin
- Fontenil
- Fougas Maldoror
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- Fourcas Hosten
- Franc-Mayne
- Francs Magnus
- Gaby
- Gazin
- Gigault
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- Grand Barrail Lamarzelle Figeac
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- Guiraud
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- Haut-Beauséjour
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- Haut-Bergey
- Haut Bertinerie
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- Haut-Brisson
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- Haut-Surget
- Haut Veyrac
- Héritage de Négrit
- Hosanna
- Hostens-Picant
- Hubert de Boüard
- JCP Maltus
- JCP Maltus - Laforge
- JCP Maltus - Le Carré
- JCP Maltus - Le Dôme
- JCP Maltus - Les Astéries
- JCP Maltus - Pontet Labrie
- JCP Maltus - Teyssier
- JCP Maltus - Vieux Château Mazerat
- Jean de Gué
- Jean Faure
- Jean Voisin
- Kirwan
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- La Commanderie (Saint-Émilion)
- La Conseillante
- La Couspaude
- La Croix de Gay
- La Croix Lartigue
- La Croizille
- La Dauphine
- La Diligente
- La Dominique
- Lafaurie-Peyraguey
- Lafite-Rothschild
- Lafitte
- Lafitte-Carcasset
- La Fleur
- La Fleur d'Arthus
- La Fleur de Boüard
- La Fleur de Gay
- Lafleur de Viaud
- Lafleur-Gazin
- La Fleur-Pétrus
- Lafon-Rochet
- La Fortune
- La France Delhomme
- La Gaffelière
- La Garde
- Lagarosse
- La Grande Clotte
- Lagrange (Pomerol)
- Lagrange (Saint-Julien)
- La Gurgue
- La Haye
- La Lagune
- La Marzelle
- La Mission Haut-Brion
- La Mondotte
- Lamothe-Bergeron
- Lanessan
- Langoa-Barton
- Laniote Saint-Émilion
- La Patache
- Laplagnotte-Bellevue
- La Pointe
- La Prade
- Larcis Ducasse
- La Ribaud
- Laroque
- La Rose Figeac
- Larose Perganson
- La Rose Perrière
- La Rose Pourret
- La Rousselle
- Laroze
- Larrivet Haut-Brion
- Lascombes
- La Sergue
- La Serre
- Latour à Pomerol
- La Tour Blanche
- La Tour Carnet
- La Tour de By
- La Tour de Mons
- La Tour de Ségur
- La Tour Figeac
- Latour-Martillac
- L'Aubroisie
- Laurence
- La Vaisinerie
- La Vieille Cure
- La Violette
- La Voûte
- Le Bon Pasteur
- Le Boscq
- Le Chatelet
- Le Chemin
- L'Eclat de Valentin
- Le Clos du Beau-Père
- Le Coteau
- Lécuyer
- Le Doyenné
- Le Gay
- L'Eglise-Clinet
- Le Moulin
- L’Enclos
- Léoville Barton
- Léoville Las Cases
- Léoville-Poyferré
- Le Pape
- Le Pin Beausoleil
- Le Prieuré
- Leroy-Beauval
- Les Charmes-Godard
- Les Clauzots
- Les Combes
- Lés Cruzelles
- Les Grandes Murailles
- Les Grands Chênes
- Les Grands Maréchaux
- Les Gravières
- Les Hauts-Conseillants
- Lesparre
- Lespault-Martillac
- Lestage-Simon
- Les Trois Croix
- Lestruelle
- Le Thil
- L'Évangile
- L’Evêché
- Leydet Valentin
- L'Hermitage Lescours
- L'If
- Lilian Ladouys
- L'Isle Fort
- Liversan
- Loudenne Le Château
- Louis
- Lucia
- Lynch-Bages
- Lynch-Moussas
- Lynsolence
- Madran
- Magnon
- Magrez-Fombrauge
- Maillet
- Maine-Chaigneau
- Maison Blanche
- Malartic-Lagravière
- Malescasse
- Malescot St. Exupéry
- Mangot
- Mangot-Todeschini
- Marojallia
- Marquis d'Alesme
- Marquis de Terme
- Maucaillou
- Mauvais Garçon (aka Bad Boy)
- Mayne Lalande
- Mazeyres
- Messile-Aubert
- Meyney
- Moine Vieux
- Monbousquet
- Monbrison
- Moncets
- Mondou
- Mongiron
- Monolithe
- Monregard La Croix
- Montaiguillon
- Montlandrie
- Montviel
- Moulin à Vent
- Moulin du Cadet
- Moulin Haut-Laroque
- Mouton-Rothschild
- Moya
- Nénin
- Olivier
- Ormes de Pez
- Pabus
- Palais Cardinal
- Palatin
- Pape Clément
- Pas de L'Ane
- Patache d'Aux
- Patris Querre
- Pauillac par Pascale Peyronie
- Paveil de Luze
- Pavie
- Pavie Decesse
- Pavie-Macquin
- Péby Faugères
- Pédesclaux
- Penin
- Petit Beauséjour
- Petit Bocq
- Petit Faurie de Soutard
- Petit Fombrauge
- Petit Gravet Aîné
- Petit-Village
- Peyfaures
- Pey La Tour
- Peyredon Lagravette
- Phélan Ségur
- Pibran
- Pichon Baron
- Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande
- Picque Caillou
- Pierhem
- Pierre 1er (formerly La Croix Figeac)
- Pierre de Lune
- Plain-Point
- Plincette
- Poesia
- Pontet Bayard
- Pontet-Canet
- Potensac
- Poujeaux
- Prieuré-Lichine
- Prieuré Marquet
- Puygueraud
- Quintus
- Rahoul
- Ramafort
- Rauzan Gassies
- Raymond-Lafon
- Rayne-Vigneau
- Réaut
- Reclos de La Couronne
- Reignac
- Renon
- Reynon
- Ripeau
- Roc de Bécot
- Roc de Cambes
- Rochebelle
- Rocher Gardat
- Rocheyron
- Rocquetaillade La Grange
- Rollan de By
- Rolland-Maillet
- Rol Valentin
- Roquevieille
- Roudier
- Rouget
- Roylland
- Rubis
- Saintayme
- Sainte-Barbe
- Sainte-Marie
- Saint-Georges (Côte Pavie)
- Saint-Paul
- Saint-Pierre de Corbian
- Saint-Pierre (Pomerol)
- Saint-Pierre (Saint-Julien)
- Sanctus
- Sansonnet
- Seguin
- Sergant
- Sérilhan
- Sigalas-Rabaud
- Siran
- Smith Haut Lafitte
- Soutard
- Soutard-Cadet
- St. Georges
- Suau
- Suduiraut
- Taillefer
- Talbot
- Tauzinat L'Hermitage
- Tertre-Rôteboeuf
- Teyssier (Montagne-Saint-Émilion)
- Thénac
- Toumalin
- Tour Bayard
- Tour de Capet
- Tour de Pez
- Tour des Termes
- Tour Maillet (Lagardère)
- Tournefeuille
- Tour Saint Christophe
- Tour Séran
- Trimoulet
- Troplong Mondot
- Trotanoy
- Trotte Vieille
- Valandraud
- Veyry
- Vieille Dynastie
- Vieux Château Certan
- Vieux Château des Rochers
- Vieux Château Palon
- Vieux Maillet
- Villa Bel-Air
- Villars
- Villemaurine
- Yon-Figeac