2006 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva

Wine Details
Release Price

$799 (2016)

Place of Origin







Sangiovese (2016 vintage)

Reviews & Tasting Notes


Drinking Window

2016 - 2046

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Biond-Santi remains a beacon for traditionally made Rosso and Brunello. At 90 years of age, Franco Biondi-Santi insisted on leading my tasting of wines from cask and bottle. The years go by for all of us, but I haven't seen any decrease in Biondi-Santi's enthusiasm and passion. The Biondi-Santi wines are more approachable young than they used to be, but little else appears to have changed. Biondi-Santi harvests on the early side. The wines see long macerations on the skins – in steel for the straight Brunello (also known as the Annata) and oak for the Riserva – and are then aged in large oak casks.

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