Vinous/Liv-ex API Service

Updated: MAY 9, 2022

What is it?
Subscribers to the Vinous/Liv-ex API Service ("Service") will be able to download via an API provided by Liv-ex Vinous reviews, ratings and drinking windows, all matched to Liv-ex's LWINs.

Who is it available to?
A subscription to the Service is available to Vinous Enterprise subscribers who have access access to the Liv-ex APIs (Gold tier membership level and above). Vinous' commercial subscriptions are detailed here

What is the cost?
No additional charge is made for Vinous Enterprise users. Certain terms can be tailored to need with additional licenses.

What are the key terms?
Usage is subject to the limitations of the subscription plan held by the user. E.g. Enterprise subscribers may quote on a public facing website a maximum of 1500 wine notes. 

What are the contact details?
Inquiries can be sent to